Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The truth about cats and dogs..mmmostly cats :)

Considering my crazy liking towards the live fur balls that hiss and scratch sometimes..I do hope I can do some justice to them through this post.

I must have had a zillion arguments with my friends who go "Urggggghh CATS..Cant stand them..selfish self obsessive creatures..they just don't give a damn to you..'
or " Cats..NAHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII....pls plsssssssss..DON'T GET THAT THING anywhere within a 5 km radius.." "that cat scares the !#$$%%^%#6 (read daylights..What did you think??) out of me..
Reallyy...people..give me a break..
I personally feel that one needs a higher level of maturity and enlightenment (am I going overboard here?) to appreciate the not so humble feline.

Take a cue from the Egyptian civilization. I am sure you all agree that they were a great race..They figured out how to build pyramids, sphinxes..went places..got a permanent place in our history books..and what else did they do??? They worshipped Cats! I soo love the Egyptians.

I am certainly not advocating people to replace the pics in the pooja room with that of pingaa, huch lakshmana, poopie, blacky , spotty, oscar or shadow..(pheww...I have to stop..cant list names of all the cats I have known in chronological order). All I am asking is to open up your eyes and if possible your hearts.

Cats are really good company. Trust me. As kittens they can entertain you for hours. Just toss over an old pen or a crumpled piece of paper, and watch them. They will be delightfully jumping all over the place. Fact is that they are not really trying to entertain you..they are simply practicing their hunting skills. Just that one can find these practice sessions pretty entertaining :)

That is about being a cat..they really don't "DO" anything for you. You certainly don't 'own' them.
A lot of dog enthusiasts complain that cats aren't "loyal" or they are "self centered". All I have to say to them is that cats are definitely not servile, and they will not feed your ego.

They don't consider you their master. Its almost like they rightfully deserve to live in your house as mush as you do.Its truly a 50-50 deal (or is it 75-25) between your cat and you. :)

They are intelligent, independent, and enigmatic, basically purrrfect companions.
You can have all the benefits of having pets in the most convenient, non fussy manner.

The benefits of having a pet surely outweigh the little inconveniences. Just check out this link if you need further convincing.


This link is good too :) Argument between cat an dog owners..



Vc said...

Can i take a message ?

Adi said...


i found some catty stuff here

and here

Divster said...

why do i think U have become one among the cats :)

Well, if tats the case. i wud prefer dee as my companion anyday rather than whiskers drinkin villi's favorite pet cats :p

Vijay said...

All i know is Cats say "Meow" and Dogs "Bark". Never knew there was much behind them.

Unknown said...

The only 2 cats I like are Garfield and Heathcliff... One dies for lasagna and the other for fish... there's cats everywhere here. So kinda bored of them

myths said...

hey ... thats an almost convincing post ..
not eing too much of an animal lover myself(I think animals just plain hate me, if i get within 50 metres of any dog , it starts barking like crazy :()
The first and only experience I have had with cats is when I was was holding one in my hands and the darned thing strtched or something and I could feel its ribs move over my fingers ! and that has CREEPED me out ! ever since never gone near any furry creature...

Ravi said...

I am a dog person. Cats are nice and quiet, but dogs express their emotions more openly. I stay in an apartment complex where pets are not allowed, but if I can I would love to have a dog.

Enigma said...

i agree with u cats are much better! less clingy n needy
women are like cats and men are like dogs! who need constatnt attention feeding, cannot find ones own food,emotional yada yada

Unknown said...

Oye Bubbly! Please start blogging again.
